How To Prepare for a Dexa Scan (5 Steps)

bust of a man wearing a hat showing internal human anatomy

Dexafit provides many health and wellness tools, benefits, and information to help people get the most out of their fitness journey. One of our most popular services is the Dexa (DXA) Scan, and there are several steps you need to take to prepare for it.

Dexa scan preparation is easy and painless. That said, these protocols are requirements that everyone must follow in order to get an accurate and safe Dexa scan reading.


What is a Dexa Scan?

The Dexa (DXA) Scan is an FDA approved procedure that gives you a closer look at your body than you have ever had before. It offers you an advantage in meeting and surpassing your health and weight loss goals while also returning data on how you're doing on the inside.

The DXA in Dexa Scan stands for Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry. This means that the scan uses two (dual) X-ray beams to scan your body in a thorough yet noninvasive way. Due to this, we can guarantee that the exposure to radiation is low.

How long does a Dexa Scan take?

The DXA Scan itself is brief, taking between 7-12 minutes to completely and accurately test your body composition. Positioning can take a minute or two longer depending on your body type.

The two X-ray beams scan your body from top to bottom, carefully measuring your bone density, muscle composition, as well as the amount of fat you carry and how it is distributed throughout your body.

Before undergoing the scan, however, there are a few ways to prepare.  


How to Prepare for Your Dexa Scan

All preparations take place just moments before the scan and are all extremely easy. Many people find the Dexa Scan to be super convenient because it allows them to pop in and out without much hassle.

1. What to wear

When it comes to what to wear for a Dexa Scan, you should wear tights, compression shorts, or other workout clothes. Don't wear loose clothes that are bulky, such as jeans or pants with lots of pockets.

Small buttons or zippers that cannot be removed from clothing are fine, but not having these is a plus.

We recommend that women wear a supportive bra (like a sports bra) for the Dexa Scan.

At some locations, your DexaFit specialist may provide a gown for you to wear during the scan. You can call your specialist and ask whether or not this is something they’ll provide for you.

Lastly, please wear socks!

2. Remove all metal and jewelry

Prior to your Dexa Scan, your specialist will ask you to empty your pockets and remove all metal and jewelry. Common metal materials you carry around may include keys, watches, earrings, rings, belt, glasses, etc.

3. Avoid calcium supplements and other substances

Stop taking calcium supplements 24 hours before your scan. This includes multivitamins as well as antacids such as TUMS®.

In addition, do not have any gastrointestinal contrast, barium or other contrast medium, or radionuclides within 48 hours of your appointment.

4. Fast for two hours prior to the scan

For the clearest scan results, we ask that you please fast for two hours prior to your Dexa Scan.

5. Stay hydrated

Please arrive plenty hydrated for your Dexa Scan.

We also ask that you limit your activity prior to the scan. Please don’t exercise until after the scan is complete and your DexaFit specialist gives you the ok.

Bonus Step: Download the DexaFit App

If you want to come to your appointment even more prepared, you can also download the free DexaFit mobile app called “Fit AI” for iOS and Android.

Simply download the app, create an account with your email address as the username, and your results will appear in the app after your scan is complete and the data is processed!

Once this has been done, you'll take the scan and be done with the whole procedure in thirty minutes or less. After the scan, most people return to their daily activities without issue.

Avoid a Dexa Scan if Pregnant

If you’re pregnant or suspect you might be pregnant, be sure to alert your physician as well as the x-ray technologist. Though the scan is safe, there are further adjustments that can be made to minimize exposure and risk to your baby.

While you can certainly take the scan while pregnant, we do recommend waiting until after your baby is born, if possible.


What Exactly Does the Scan Do?

The Dexa Scan is designed and used to identify any and all problems, diseases, and conditions in the body. By looking at bone mass, bone mineral density, and body composition, the scan can check for certain diseases like liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis before they actually occur.

The scan looks for internal warning signs of these diseases that might not show themselves until after its too late, giving you a useful advantage in reclaiming your health before problems develop.

In addition to looking for these diseases, the Dexa Scan can also find weak points in your body and other risk factors. These weak points include areas where muscle mass is thinning, if there is any bone loss, or where fractures are more likely to happen. With this knowledge, you can give special attention to these areas to strengthen them to lower the fracture risks or chance of breaking a bone.

Finally, the Dexa Scan also measures your body composition. This includes the amount of body fat you carry as well as how and where it is carried in the body.

The Dexa Scan returns measurement data on deep belly fat, also known as visceral fat, and can be used to help identify and diagnose certain diseases and health problems like cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, and type-2 diabetes.

The scan is so thorough that it will be able to find excess fat between organs, identify problem areas, and determine issues like high cholesterol and metabolic disturbances. With the Dexa Scan, you are really getting a behind-the-scenes look at your body, giving you the knowledge and control you need to prevent health issues, lose weight, and improve your overall fitness.


Results: What You'll Learn and How to Proceed

After the Dexa Scan, your test results will return data on your percentage of visceral fat, weak points within the body, warning signs of possible health issues and diseases, and more. You’ll be able to access the data yourself on the Fit AI mobile app.

The information from your results might be overwhelming at first, but it offers you a comprehensive look at where your body is health-wise.

The results of your Dexa Scan are meant to help you know how much exercise you need, the type of diet you should start, the best ways to build muscle mass, and how to pull your body into the best shape of your life.

You can learn how to target specific problem areas of visceral fat, thinning muscle, and brittle bones as well as gain pointers on how to improve fitness and overall health and wellbeing.

Healthy Food

Creating workouts, dietary plans, and wellness goals around the specific needs of your body are important steps for feeling better and living longer.

For example, with the help of the Dexa Scan, you can identify the exact location of lean muscle in your body. This information is important because lean muscle plays an important role in the regulation of your metabolism as well as prevents bone thinning and helps prevent chronic diseases and pathologic conditions.

Focusing on your muscles and strengthening them also improves blood sugar, sleep, and your balance! When your blood sugar is regulated, your balance is stable, and your sleep is sound and refreshing, you will find that your quality of life improves exponentially.

Imagine how much better you can feel and look when you work on improving the different areas indicated in your Dexa Scan results.


Why You Should Get a Dexa Scan


In short, the Dexa Scan has the power to improve your life. This scan offers a simple way to tremendously alter how you view your health and wellness, while also giving you the tools to change how you approach fitness and diet.

The scan also helps you to work closely with your doctor about potential issues with your body. By pinpointing and determining problem areas, you and your doctor can make plans prevent and handle any health issues that come your way.

Furthermore, the Dexa Scan prep is easy to follow and makes for a fast appointment.


Sign Up for Yours Today!

The Dexa Scan is all about the individual. It provides accurate results about your body that help you understand it better than ever. This information is absolutely priceless when it comes to finding ways to improve your health, wellness, and quality of life.

If a Dexa Scan sounds like a great idea to you, you can sign up for one today. We have locations from San Francisco, California to Boca Raton, FL, and just about everywhere in between.

When you find a location nearest you, you can easily set up an appointment to get your own Dexa Scan done!


How to Calculate Vo2 Max

For athletes, finding ways to get stronger and better at what they do is part of the territory. There are all kinds of ways to improve athletic performance that comes down to tweaking how you train and exercise. This includes calculating your VO2 Max.

Doing so allows athletes to push themselves to the next level for their next game, match, meet, or simply their own personal goals. This post will focus on what Vo2 max is, why it matters for athletes, and how you can calculate it to learn about your body and how understanding this measurement can lead to physical improvements. 


What is Vo2 Max?

In its simplest terms, one's Vo2 max is the measurement of their body's ability to consume oxygen. To be clear, this does not mean one's natural ability to consume oxygen, but a measurement of the different things that affect how the body takes in oxygen.

For example, the number of red blood cells you have affects your Vo2 max measurement. In addition to this, other factors such as how your muscles react to distance running and how much blood your heart can pump in a minute may also affect your final Vo2 max reading.

To learn your own Vo2 max measurement, there is a test you can take. This test is often conducted in a laboratory as a controlled environment is needed for pure results.  

How Do You Calculate VO2 Max?

Calculate Vo2

To calculate your Vo2 max, you must first take the test mentioned above. The test is conducted as follows: 

The patient is hooked up to a breathing mask while they simultaneously undergo a treadmill test. It should be noted that Vo2 max tests can be measured in different ways. For example, a cyclist would have their Vo2 max measured during a cycling test rather than a treadmill test. The main point is to get the heart rate up, which can be done either by running, jogging, walking, or cycling on a machine. 

To accurately measure the Vo2 max, the test (treadmill or otherwise) becomes more and more difficult as time goes on. One's Vo2 max appears when their oxygen consumption red lines, or when they reach their limit. For runners, this point can come after they have reached their fastest pace. When it comes to the Vo2 max test, redlining means you are working extremely hard and your body is getting tired. Your heart rate is "maxed out," once again meaning that you have reached your limit. Once this limit is reached, the measurements begin. 

To calculate your Vo2 max, a physiologist will utilize a formula that includes the rate of your oxygen consumption during the exercise as well as your body weight. The common formula is as follows: 

Vo2 Max =  

maximum milliliters of oxygen consumed in 1 minute             ________________________________

body weight in kilograms


In addition to this formula, there is another alternative formula for calculating one's Vo2 max: 

Vo2 Max = 15.3 x (MHR/RHR)

MHR = Maximum heart rate. This number is actually the number of beats over the number of minutes, or the number of beats in 20 seconds multiplied by 3. 

RHR = Resting heart rate. The number is also found by dividing beats by minute or number of beats in 20 seconds multiplied by three. 

For a more in-depth look at the formulas and calculations, read here. In short, your Vo2 max is the number that expresses just how much oxygen you consume when exercising your hardest. As far as the results of the test go, a score between 30 and 60 is considered average. 

It is best to have a Vo2 max test conducted by a professional as you cannot get an accurate reading without measuring ventilation, oxygen, and carbon dioxide concentration of both inhaled and exhaled air.

The factors cannot be measured on your own or by a friend - you need someone who knows what they are doing on a professional level.

If you are in a pinch, however, you can also measure your Vo2 max by using past results from races, from doing a Balke Test, or a Beep Test. The different tests correspond to the type of exercise you usually do. 

Why Does it Matter?

Now that you have your Vo2 max number, what do you do it with it? How do you know which number is good and which one is bad? In short, the higher your Vo2 max number (meaning the closer it is to 60), the better it is.

When your number is high, it means you can take in a lot of oxygen and deliver that oxygen to your muscles. The more oxygen your muscles have, the better you can perform: you can run faster, cycle harder, and give more effort overall.

For young adults (men and women in their 20s), the average number was 51 or higher for men, and 44 or higher for women. The older an athlete gets, their number tends to decrease.

With this in mind, it should be noted that a high or low Vo2 number is not the end of the road. You can actually increase your Vo2 max number for better performance in your sport of choice. 

Increasing your Vo2 max is known as Vo2 max training and is best executed by interval training. This simply means doing short endurance and distance tests for runners and cyclists, or the equivalent for other sports.

One great thing about exercise and fitness is that there is always room for improvement. For runners and cyclists, this is often measured by getting faster and going further per session. As your fitness level increases so does your Vo2 max, and so does your health overall. 

Here it is important to note that just because you have a high Vo2 max number, it does not mean that you are the best athlete. Your fitness level must be taken into account. As with the Vo2 max measurement, there are many factors affecting your fitness level. 

Fitness and Your Vo2 Max

Stretch Vo2

Improving your Vo2 max is synonymous with improving your fitness. With this in mind, think about what you would naturally do to improve your health, endurance, and overall performance.

Here are some things you can do to improve your fitness level: 

  • Improve Your Diet: Eat the foods that fuel your body. Different diets work for different people. Some runners carbo load while others tend to eat a lot of protein.

    It may take some tweaking to find the right diet for you, but you can never go wrong with a balance of rich, leafy greens, pure protein from meat, nuts, or cheese, fiber from multi grains and bread, and sugars from fruits. Sometimes going back to basics can work wonders!

  • Find an Exercise Routine You'll Stick With: Improving your fitness starts with pushing your endurance. To take yourself to the next level, you need to find a routine you stick with.

    This could be something like doing strength training, doing sprint, cycling short distances, swimming laps, or something of your own devising.

  • Drink Plenty of Water: When building your strength and fitness level, you need to stay hydrated. Proper hydration helps your muscles, your energy levels, your heart rate, and many other functions besides. Be sure that you have plenty of water handy at all times.

  • Get Plenty of Sleep: As you train yourself, you need to get plenty of sleep every night. When exercising and training, it can take a serious toll on your muscles resulting in soreness, sprains, and widespread pain.

    When you sleep, your body is able to repair the necessary damage done to your muscles during the day and during training. If you don't get enough sleep, you don't give your body the time it needs to recover, which can stagnate your progress.

  • Set Goals for Yourself: Finally, set goals for yourself! Increasing your Vo2 max will take time of intentional, steady work. With this in mind, utilize your time by setting weekly or monthly goals for yourself and working to push your body for those specific goals, not the end goal of a higher Vo2 max number. Cut the bigger picture down into smaller pieces, and work with them!

 Calculating your Vo2 max is a great place to start for improving your fitness level and your endurance. Taking the Vo2 max test can reveal much for athletes, alerting them to where they need to make improvements to make them better, faster, and stronger. Happy training!