Exercises that Can Boost Your Testosterone

Men naturally have testosterone levels that reach their peak at 20 and then they go down 1 to 2 percent each year. However, there are certain things that you can do to boost your testosterone levels.  Researchers have discovered that particular types of workouts are able to lift your testosterone levels right after the workout. These constant lifts in testosterone are able to stall loss in testosterone over time. You will need to be consistent in these types of exercises to keep your testosterone levels from dropping.

If you believe that you have a lower testosterone levels, it is important that you understand what your current testosterone levels are. Taking a complete blood panel test will inform you of all your testosterone levels and what you need to do to improve your testosterone levels.

Types of Exercises That Boost Testosterone Levels

When it comes to developing the right kinds of workouts to keep your testosterone levels, there are 4 types of exercises that you need to be focusing on:

  • Weight lifting – When you do weight lifting exercises, it is important that you do them at the highest weight that you can do to complete the reps. Strength weightlifting is going to boost your testosterone levels more than endurance training

  • Sprints – Very short but intense sprints are a great way to improve your testosterone levels. It’s important to do multiple short sprints that are either done after weight lifting or do your cardio workouts on your off days from weight training.

Something else to consider is that recovery periods in between sets are actually very important to boost testosterone as well. Since the exercises are so intense, it is vital that you recover enough that you can keep the level of intensity each time you do the set.

4 Full Workouts to Boost Testosterone

We have created some workouts that you can do on your own to help you boost testosterone.

1.Full Body Workout

This dynamic exercise activates all of the muscles in your body for an aggressive and complete workout. These intense intervals will activate the testosterone levels in your body and help you maintain your muscle mass.

Start with Dynamic Cardio Warm Up

30 Seconds – Jumping Jacks

1 Minute – Bodyweight Squats

30 Seconds – Jogging in Place

1 Minute – High Knees


Do this set of cardio twice and then rest for a minute.


Full Body HIIT Workout

15 Overhead Squats – Use a barbell or dumbbells. Remember good form is the most important part of seeing the results you want. Go as heavy as you can while you can stay in good form

10 Burpees


Complete this set twice and then rest for a minute.


20 Seconds - Kettlebell Swings

Rest 30 Seconds

20 Seconds Each Side – 1-Armed Kettlebell Swings

Rest 30 Seconds

40 Seconds – Mountain Climbers

Rest 30 Seconds

1 Minute – Straight Arm Plank


Rest for a minute.


10 Deadlifts – Do it as heavily as you can while staying in good form and while you will be able to complete the set.
15 V-ups
Complete this set 3x and then rest for a minute

Cool Down

30 Second – Forearm Planks
1 Minute – Jogging in Place

2. Upper Arm Workout

If you want to boost your testosterone and bulk up you arms, this is the perfect arm day exercise.  It’s the perfect workout to strengthen your biceps and your triceps and energize your body.

Start with Cardio

30 seconds of Jumping Jacks

10 Inchworms – Start in a standing position and lean over so that your hands are on the floor in front of your feet. Walk your hands out slowly until you are in push up position and then slowly walk your feet up a few inches at a time.

30 seconds of Jumping Jacks


Rest for a minute


Arm Workout

10 Alternating Renegade Rows

10 Pull Ups – You may need to modify the type of push ups you do based on your strength level


Complete this set 3 times and rest for 1 minute


10 Bench Presses

10 Dumbbell Overhead Presses

20 Bicep Curls


Complete this set 3 times and rest for 1 minute. You will want to these sets with the most weight you can handle while still being able to complete the set.


Cool Down

30 Seconds – Shoulder Stretch

30 Seconds – Tricep Stretch


3. Burn Up Your Buns

Never skimp on leg day! When it is time to work out your glutes and your legs, this workout will help boost your testosterone and give you great definition in your legs and buns!

Start with Cardio

30 Seconds High Knees

1 Minute Jogging in Place

30 Seconds Bodyweight Squats


Complete this set twice and rest for 1 minute.


Leg Workout

10 Weighted Sumo Squats

15 Plyometric Jump Squats

10 Kettlebell Goblet Squats – Do this with the most weight you can handle while still being able to properly complete the set.


Complete this set twice and rest for 1 minute.


20 Lunges – 10 each side

20 Bulgarian split squats - Use a bench behind you and rest one foot onto the bench. Kneel down so that the knee of the leg resting on the bench touches the ground. Stand up again and repeat. You will need to do 10 on each side.

10 Jump Squats


Complete this set twice and rest for 1 minute.


Cool Down

30 Seconds – Mountain Climbers

30 Seconds – Jogging in Place



4. Intensive Cardio Intervals

Cardio is an important part of every fitness plan. It is important for your heart health and for fat tissue loss and maintenance. However, constant slow jogging does not help boost your testosterone. If you want to boost your testosterone during your cardio workouts, it is vital that you do intensive intervals instead of just constant cardio. Adding  bodyweight exercises is the best way to get those testosterone levels boosted. We would recommend for workout should be done on the track.

Warm Up

3 Minutes – Easy Jogging

3 Minutes – Leg Swings Both Forward and Side


Cardio Workout

15 Second Sprint

Run for 4 minutes

1 Minute – Pushups


Run for 4 minutes

1 Minute – Skaters


15 Second Sprint

Run for 4 minutes

1 Minute – Squats


Run for 4 minutes

1 Minute – Mountain Climbers


Cool Down

3 Minutes – Easy Jogging


Exercises to Avoid

If you are looking to boost testosterone levels, it is best if you avoid extended periods of cardio. Cycling and long runs on the treadmill can kill your testosterone. However, this decrease in testosterone may actually be helpful for long distance runners and cyclists since the additional muscle mass that testosterone provides would slow endurance athletes.

Understanding your Testosterone Levels

Did you know that men’s testosterone levels have been dropping generationally as well? Your grandfather naturally had much higher than yours when he was your age. If you want to have those raised testosterone levels that will boost vitality, increase longevity, and improve athletic performance. If know what your current testosterone levels through our optimal male panel, we can then do DXA Scan and Vo2 Max testing to see where your current fitness level is, and what your current body composition is and what your optimal body composition will be.
We would also probably recommend that you take a food sensitivity test as well. This test will also help you to understand what foods will help naturally boost your testosterone, and what foods will cause inflammation that will absolutely kill your testosterone levels. All of the information is absolutely vital to creating the right fitness plan that will supercharge your testosterone and help you get the body you’ve always wanted.

Need to know all about your testosterone levels? Take our Optimal Male Panel test.